The story of Jessica's Diet: Dietary Change and successfully Lose Weight 30 Kg

The story of Jessica's Diet: Dietary Change and successfully Lose Weight 30 Kg

Depression and embarrassment have body fat with height 159 cm and weight 86 kg, Jessica had ' wobbly ' and not consistently apply the diet. No matter her weight got down and went up again repeatedly.

But with the intention to have a powerful body more proportional, he never give up and keep trying to apply a healthy eating pattern. No matter her weight has now been dropped to 56 kg. Intrigued by the story of Jessica's diet? Following her story, as told to us and written on Thursday (18/2/2016):

From the little I have always been troubled by weight. From initially depressed and ashamed of receiving State yourself, to finally be Stoic and bodo with a body continues to swell. All of that changed when the end of 2014 I experienced events that made me realize that my circumstances this is not true and I don't look attractive with excessive weight.

I started out intending to lose weight at the end of September 2014, that time my weight 86 kg. I started eating healthy and practicing in the gym 6 times a week. A session with a personal trainer three times a week and practice it myself 3 times.

My morning drinking a fruit smoothie and milk protein, during the day to eat baked fish, green vegetables, and potatoes for carbohydrates. The evening after my gym from eating fruit or milk protein. On weekends, I keep trying to choose healthy foods if you're going out. This went on for two months.

In early December, 2014 I must go back to Indonesia and delayed taking a gym membership, but I still maintain a healthy eating pattern. I managed to get off the weight of 86 kg to 71 kg right on January 1, 2015. After that my weight is stable in numbers 70-74 kg, I am free to eat anything during the day and not dinner.

Felt has not yet reached the target I want, I then start browsing again how effective diet. Mid-February I start lemon detox diet popularized by Beyonce for 14 days. Through this program for 14 days I managed to down to 64 kg, though he was then up again to the number 68 kg after I go back to normal eating.

At the end of March 2015 TRX class I took private 5 times a week, keep a healthy eating pattern helped by that I keep and by replacing my drinking water with lemon infused water. I still allow myself to eat anything on cheat day, i.e. Saturday and Sunday. In mid-May 2015 I reached weight 56 kg.

Since then, feel complacency I eat the mess and no longer exercise TRX until January 2016 at the beginning I felt uncomfortable with my weight back to touch the numbers 64 kg. I went back keeping healthy eating patterns as before and apply the cheat day is only on Saturdays and Sundays. Although not yet back TRX exercises again because of time, but at least I managed to restore my weight in the 56 kg at the beginning of February 2016.

Change your diet and exercise really gives permanent results according to me, as though I was back eating a mess for more than 6 months, out of a total of 30 kg who managed my prune, only about 8 kg back to my body. Whereas when running the lemon detox diet, although the weight in 14 days I was down about 10 kg, 4 kg back up yet again in less than a week.

For friends who were undergoing weight loss program, I suggest you avoid the ' crash dieting ' because the results obtained are usually not permanent and could even return in the amount of more when you stop running diet.

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