Apple : for health and beauty

Apple benefit

The benefits of Apple - Apple is a kind of fruits that are usually red, but there are also apples are green and yellow. Her skin was a bit mushy fruit, meat hard and have few seeds in it. Besides it feels good it turns out apples also have benefits and benefits for your health. Apples contain vitamin C and rich in antioxidants. According to research, the efficacy of these apples can to can reduce the risk of developing cancer of the lungs, colon cancer, and prostate cancer as well as the fiber contained in apples this could stem the cardiovascular disease, weight control, and lower cholesterol.

This little Apple seed is toxic because it contains amigdalin, but is not dangerous to humans. The complete content of apples i.e. contains vit A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and vitC and there are also a number of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc and other elements such as fiber, fitokimian, tannins, baron and sour tartar.

20 the benefits and efficacy of apples for health and beauty:

  • Nourish the digestive tract - a study using mice in Apple extracts and give extraordinary results, 43% of rats that give Apple lower exposed the risk of bowel cancer. If there is an effect of the extract of the Apple mouse, possibly the same man can also meraskan effect.
  • Healthy breast woman - by consuming apples regularly then the breast cancer women can prevent early on.
  • Nourish the liver organ - anti-oxidants in apples can protect the liver from cancer, because that was apples efficacy could to nourish the heart.
  • Control the sugar levels in the blood -Though apples tastes sweet apples turned out to control sugar levels in the blood effectively. This is the same when we observe the benefits of honey.
  • Lowering cholesterol - by consuming two apples every day then proved to lower cholesterol by as much as 16%.
  • Lose weight - Apple has fiber that may help digestion, Dah jdi khsiat apples can also be to lose weight.
  • Help the working intestine - Consuming apples regularly can prevent constipation and other digestive disorders.
  • Prevent senile - From studies at cornell University whose name was done for the benefits of an Apple turns out Apples contain Quercetin which serves to prevent alzheimer's disease.
  • Treating anemia - iron contained in apples can increase the hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Restores the body's stamina - is the same as the benefits of eggs, apples can also restore the stamina of the body due to the potassium content and enzymes that can relieve fatigue and reduce lactic acid in the body.
  • Returns the body of the lethargic - Balance body health can be obtained by consuming apples regularly. If you are experiencing fatigue, lethargy and lunglai then try eating an Apple.
  • Dental care for your Teeth will - cleaner when frequently consume fruits apples because of the bacteria that spoil the teeth may be lost by consuming apples.
  • Caring heart - apples can take care of the heart, therefore from now konsumsilah apples regularly.
  • Prevent and treat rheumatism - Obstetrician nutrients in apples in rheumatic diseases mngobati can believe.
  • Caring for skin health - nutrients contained in apples can take care of the skin, not even free skin body but can also take care of facial skin so many people are using an Apple to cure acne.
  • Suppress cancer cell lung - it is attested by studies involving 10,000 people where the people who consume the apples are not bersiko affected by lung cancer as much as 50%.
  • Nourish eyes - Efficacy apples believed could nourish the eyes.
  • Treat and prevent asthma - according to the research, children who are often not Apple Juice minu of developing asthma.
  • Prevent osteoporosis - old age will be in natural by everyone. For anyone who doesn't want to experience osteoporosis so from now knsumsi apples because according to research the benefits of apples could be to treat the bone.
  • The intellectual brain - Aside to prevent senile, apples can also educate the brain because they contain Acetylcholine in it.

The benefits of apples turned out to be very good, in addition to preventing and treating diseases of apples is also very good for taking care of beauty. Why not? as mentioned above the benefits of apples can also treat skin, body slimming and caring for teeth. It's all one of the symbols of beauty and guarded by the women. So in conclusion the benefits of apples it could create health and beauty also.

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