Eating Pasta Is Ready To Make Your Loins Fewer Ring

Eating Pasta Is Ready To Make Your Loins Fewer Ring

Are you a person who loves a diet or eating patterns set in order to obtain the ideal body?

Well, if yes certainly you away from mi high karbo and his ilk. Pasta for example, lately as enemies who want to lose weight. Actually it does not fatten hlo pasta guys. Although it is rich in carbohydrates, the pasta actually helps us to stay slim. So the discovery of a new study. It caused the paste is part of the Mediterannean diet rich in vegetables and olive oil.

Therefore, the pasta is associated with a decrease in body mass index and waist circumference size.
Study by researcher Italy it analyzes more than 23,000 eating patterns of people from two different regions in Italy.

Researchers asked them take down everything they ate in a diary. Then they questioned that dietary problem by phone.

The amount of pasta they consume on a daily basis and compared with the standardized body mass index, waist circumference and hip size.

Researchers concluded there was no connection between eating pasta and added weight.
Instead of eating pasta actually relate to the more slender.

"Our Data proves enjoy pasta according to the needs of the individual causing the healthy body mass index, waist circumference is smaller and the ratio of waist-hip is better," said George Pounis, a leader of the study.

Licia Iacoviello from Neuromed Institute in Pozzilli, Italy who did this study added, "in view of the popular pasta often seen no good when we want to lose weight. Some people even stop mengonsumsinya. "

"With this research, we can say stop eating pasta instead of the appropriate action. We're talking about a fundamental component of tradition in Italy and no reason not to do it, "he added.

"The message that emerged from this study is the Mediterranean diet which is done with a portion being and consider variations of all elements that are good for our health," he said.

Researchers found those who ate the pasta regularly also tend to be more following the Mediterranean diet.

Eat a lot of tomatoes, onions, garlic, olive oil, cheese and rice. However, they said the beneficial effects of eating pasta Mediterranean diet work if it followed dutifully.

They did not find the reason why pasta is associated with lower body mass index. But they refer to the ongoing debate of whether the CARB is good or bad for health.

The experts are still divided as to whether a diet high in fat and low in carbohydrates is better for your health than low-fat diet high in carbohydrates.

Dr. Gunter Kuhnle of the University of Reading said the study proves is stop consuming carbohydrates.

"Data that clearly prove that the consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates such as pasta is not bad for weight loss. The results of this study confirm the current dietary recommendations and supported the recommendation for a balanced diet, "he said.

But Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Advisor to the National Obesity Forum in the United Kingdom argued the study was limited and only on the basis of the survey by phone.

But he said the quantity of the paste is eaten also matters.

In the study the participants eat pasta about 50-65 grams a day, fewer than the main portion of the food which is often eaten in the United Kingdom.

"The key is on quantity. If you eat a lot of vegetables, olive oil and fish oil then seikit also eat pasta as a traditional seems to definitely not dangerous to health and could not make the weight, "he said.

Dr Malhotra says, it is still important for anybody with abnormalities of insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes to reduce food rich in carbohydrates mealy.

Both disorders are associated with obesity and more and more people in the world who suffer from a disorder it is.

The research is published in the journal Nutrition and diabetes.

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