Bilberry : The Content and Benefits


Huckleberries or better known as the fruits of Bilberry is a small fruits similar to cranberry and blueberry United, just that this fruit is native to Northern Europe.

The fruits of Bilberry (Vaccinium SP.) is a type of fruit from a plant that grows wild on the land which is slightly acidic and humid subtropical located at 23.5 ° – 66.6 ° n mainly in Ireland, United Kingdom, Wales, Scotland, Poland, Scandinavia, Russia, Switzerland, and Austria.

Bilberry fruit plants single or paired fruit size smaller than blueberries but has a stronger flavor.

Dark blue Bilberry fruit is a bit dark with the flesh of the fruit is sweet and purple with a diameter of about 5 to 8 mm.

Billberry fruit typically harvested directly to eat immediately or before being processed into cakes, juice or jam.

The health benefits of fruits Bilberry

Bilberry fruit rich in anthocyanin pigment content before it's been researched for medicinal purposes such as the treatment of the heart, the eye to cancer.

Bilberry fruit is also known for being able to overcome and prevent stress in the long term it could lead to liver damage. In other words a regular consume fruit Bilbery can prevent liver damage.

Regularly consuming Bilberry fruit can reduce the effects of ulcerative and inflammation of the intestine. This has been successfully demonstrated by experiments conducted by a team of scientists from the University Hospital of Zurich, Switzerland, led by Professor Gerhard Rogler.

Bilberry fruit is known for being able to overcome the acute diarrheal diseases and chronic diseases of the retina of the eye including the other eye diseases. They are also able to help patients who suffered inflammatory bowel disease or IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease).

According to the study it can be concluded that scientists want to find out more so that the data can give confirmation about the benefits of this fruit.

One of the researchers said that the fruits of Bilberry dry has a very beneficial effect for the various parameters, especially on acute colitis.

The research shows that fruits Bilberry contains compounds that could address the inflammation of the intestines.

Such research is conducted in the laboratory using a group of mice that had been given to certain chemical substances and then mixed with water to induce intestinal inflammation colitis and eventually.

Compounds, sodium sulfate dextrane, resulting in the rats became acute after the grant is performed repeatedly.

It is apparently also produces intestinal inflammation similar to that found in patients suffering from IBD.

The Subjects involved in the test are then broken down into 3 groups in which each of them was given a dietary supplement that is not the same simultaneously.

For the first group was given food containing dried bilberry 20%. For the second and third groups were fed food containing 10% and 1% anthocyanins which are derived from fruits of Bilberry.

Anthocyanin is a group of flavonoids found in the tissues of a plant that has a role in the formation of pigment blue, red, or purple fruits and flowers.

Substance is water soluble Anthocyanins and Bileberry are known to have high concentrations and have been linked to a variety of beneficial effects on human health.

Based on the results of research it turned out that shows that intake of bilberry can be directly associated with a decrease in the intensity of inflammation.

A very positive effects are also reported on a case of acute and chronic, which ultimately can be recovered medically.

The research team is confident that "the result of this promising and justify the clinical studies on the effects of their therapy in inflammatory bowel disease".

Bilberry is often said to improve eyesight at night, and is told by the pilot of the RAF (Royal Air Force or air force United Kingdom) during World War II who used it for that purpose.

The study suggests that Bilberry can reduce or reverse the effects of degenerative eyesight like macular degeneration.

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