Apricots : Benefits For Health.


Apricots have benefits for health, such as its ability to treat indigestion, constipation, ear pain, fever, skin diseases, prevention of cancer and anemia. Apricot oil is also used for treating tense muscles and cuts. Apricots are believed to be good for skin care, especially for women who want to look beautiful and healthy. This is why the apricots are often added to the product range of beauty treatments.

The ability of other apricots for health is to improve heart health, reduce cholesterol levels, prevent damage to eyesight, helping you to lose weight, to treat respiratory conditions, increasing the strength of bones, and maintaining the balance of electrolytes in the body. Advertisement Apricot was known by the scientific name Prunus armeniaca, closely related to plums.

It is difficult to know the order has been all over the world, because both plums and apricots are found growing wild since prehistoric times. Most scientists believe the apricot originated from Armenia. But apricots have existed in ancient Greece and Rome, and many other experts stated that the original apricot cultivation was done in India more than 3,000 years ago.

Nutrient content contained in Apricots. Apricot vitamin including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, and niacin (vitamin B3), as well as several other important vitamins with amounts of less than 5% of the daily requirement. Apricot mineral content includes potassium, manganese, magnesium, copper and phosphorus. Apricots are also an excellent source of fiber, as well as in most of the fruits.

Here are some of the important benefits of Apricot for the health of our body

Heart health: Apricot is a wonderful way to protect your heart from a variety of diseases, including atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes. The high amount of vitamin C, fiber and potassium will contribute to good heart health. Vitamin C protects the heart from free radicals, while potassium lowers blood pressure by relaxing the tension of blood vessels and arteries. Fiber will reduce the friction of the excess cholesterol against the walls of blood vessels and arteries, thus reducing the stress on the heart. All the properties the ideal apricot to improve heart health.

Overcoming Constipation: Apricots are rich in fiber, hence good to launch defecation. It is often recommended to consume apricots, for people suffering from constipation. The fibers will stimulate gastric and digestive fluids, helps break down food and absorb nutrients to be more easily processed. In addition, fiber is also beneficial to enable movement of the digestive tract, Peristaltic and bowel movements to make into a regular.

Bone health: Apricot mengandungj all minerals that are needed for healthy bone growth in the amount of the fine. Calcium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, and copper are all instrumental to create bone-forming material. Therefore, eating apricots could ensure the growth and development of healthy bones, as well as prevent a variety of age-related conditions, including osteoporosis.
Keep the liquid level and metabolism: the body's Fluid Level depends mainly on the two minerals, potassium and sodium. A high amount of potassium in apricot has been attributed to fluid balance in the body, and ensure energy is distributed correctly to the organs and muscles. By maintaining a healthy balance of electrolytes, you get much energy, reduce cramping, and keep blood to pump energy.

Cope sore ears: Apricot Oil good to treat ear pain, although the exact mechanism is still being studied. Dispense a few drops into the ear apricot oil who were sick could treat it quickly. The scientists assume that it has something to do with antioxidants contained in apricot oil. Treat fever: Apricot Juice is often given to patients suffering from fever, because it provides a variety of necessary vitamins, minerals, and calories for the body of water. While apricots may also help detoxification for a variety of systems and organs of the body. Some people utilize the apricots to relieve fevers by means of steamed. In this way, apricots are anti-inflammatory substances that can affect the level of overall body temperature when you're sick. In addition, apricots can also reduce inflammatory pain, such as arthritis or gout.

Prevent and resolve Anemia: due to the womb of iron and copper, apricot also contribute in the formation of hemoglobin. Anemia is basically an iron deficiency, and can cause weakness, tiredness, dizziness, digestive problems, and other common metabolic functions. Without the red blood cells, the body can't get oxygen, and can cause.

Treating skin disorders: Apricot Oil is also good for skin care, because it is more quickly absorbed by the skin and can keep your oily skin once applied. Apricot is not only useful to keep the appearance of the skin is shiny and smooth, but it will also help treat some of the diseases of the skin, like eczema, itch, scabies and other skin conditions. This is because the antioxidant compounds found in apricots. Not only are high in vitamin A (60% of daily needs), which has long been associated with healthier skin, antioxidants in apricot jugs will protect the skin from the effects of free radicals, which can cause skin damage and signs of premature aging.

It turns out that an awful lot of the benefits of the fruit of the apricot. Apricot juice is very tasty when made, in addition to refreshing her throat juice apricot is also rich in benefits for the body. Hopefully with the reviews above we are more clever in consuming fruits rich in benefits and are useful to the body.

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