Cucumber : it is the Benefits


Cucumber is one of the fruits that are familiar to all walks of life. This may be due, the cucumber is easily obtained with a relatively inexpensive price all at once can be cultivated in our own dipekarangan.

In addition to refreshing and delicious, the fruit turns out to have some usefulness to the body, one of which is the benefits of cucumber for the eyes. Cucumber also helps freshen the skin around the eyes.

To know what are the benefits in more detail, it's good we see first gynecologist in the cucumber that can nourish the eyes and surrounding organs.

Cucumbers have long relied upon to restore the freshness of the eyes and the surrounding area, one of which is to overcome puffy eyes. Many things cause puffy eyes, including allergies, genetic, the sleep-deprived.

However if Your puffy eyes are caused by lack of sleep, one way flush it out back is to use slices of cucumber.

In addition, several studies in the indicates that fresh fruit was presenting some vitamins such as A, B and C, the high water content and a variety of minerals such as potassium, magnesium or silicon good to support your eyes to make it more healthy.

Put a piece of cucumber on the eyes help in reducing puffiness and swelling under the eyes because of the presence of Ascorbic acid and caffeic acid. Ascorbic acid and caffeic acid in cucumber brings to the eyes of water retention. This will reduce swelling and puffiness around the eyes.

Studies show that vitamin A is very effective for the treatment of dry eye. In fact, one study found that drops or eye softgel contains vitamin A is useful as a treatment of dry eye syndrome and various other eye disorders like cataracts, cylindrical, minus, ablasio retina, glaucoma, pteregium and other eye diseases.

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